FindBiometrics is in Johannesburg, reporting live from ID4Africa 2019, where the biometrics industry is convening to help realize the future of next-generation identity technology in Africa. All week we will be bringing you live audio interviews recorded on the exhibition floor with biometrics industry experts helping transform identity services across the continent.
Peter O’Neill, President of FindBiometrics spoke with David Benini Vice President of Marketing and Product, Aware. Their conversation starts with a rundown of Aware’s showcase at the event, including the Indigo biometrics-as-as-service solution, the Knomi mobile biometric authentication framework, and AwareABIS – which is capable of large-scale biometric searches.
Benini goes on to share how Aware is offering solutions to the African market – specifically for healthcare, mobile banking, citizen ID, and border management – highlighting the importance of liveness detection. The conversation moves on to Aware’s plan to “leap-frog” paper and card credentials by offering biometric and mobile ID solutions contributing to the lives of the citizens of African nations and beyond.
Listen to our full ID4Africa audio interview with David Benini Vice President of Marketing and Product, Aware:
Stay tuned to FindBiometrics all week as we bring you more biometrics and mobile identity news straight from ID4Africa. Follow us on Instagram to see more pictures from the show floor and connect with us on Twitter for breaking news as it happens.
Learn more about Aware, biometrics, and identity in the workplace by listening to the ID Talk Podcast:
Aware’s David Benini Talks On-Device Biometrics & Enterprise Security
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