On October 3, 2018 at 11:00 AM ET, FindBiometrics, in association with FedID, presented ‘True Identity: The Biometric Government of Tomorrow’ – a 45 minute webinar presentation on the state of government biometrics. The latest airport automation market research from Acuity Market Intelligence set the stage for a wide ranging discussion featuring our expert panel:
- Peter Counter, Managing Editor, FindBiometrics (moderator)
- Maxine Most, Principal, Acuity Market Intelligence
- Benji Hutchinson, Vice President, Federal Operations, NEC Corporation of America
- Tim Meyerhoff, Director, Iris ID
The animated conversation touched on biometric border control, law enforcement, next gen elections, the Department of Homeland Security’s HART program, and the role of blockchain technology in identity.
Watch ‘True Identity: The Biometric Government of Tomorrow’:
Watch the webinar recording above to learn:
- The latest research regarding biometrics at the border from renowned industry expert Maxine Most, Principal, Acuity Market Intelligence
- How consumer technology is influencing biometric law enforcement
- How governments are deploying facial recognition, fingerprint scanning and iris biometrics
- How biometrics are empowering the public sector in areas of law enforcement, elections, national security and civil ID
- What the future holds for biometric governments
‘True Identity: The Biometric Government of Tomorrow’ was the culmination of Government Biometrics Month and sponsored by Iris ID and NEC Corporation of America.
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