TESIS SYSware has upgraded its password manager, “ASPR”, with the help of BioID’s facial recognition tech. The automated password service is designed for enterprise level clients, with BioID providing liveness detection to prevent fraudsters from taking advantage of the reset process.
The BioID integration is device and platform agnostic, making it ideal for companies with a high volume of password activity or remote employees. Whenever an employee needs to change their password, TESIS will send them a QR code that will trigger a step-up authentication request through the BioID app. That request can then be fulfilled through a facial recognition scan on the employee’s phone.
Doing so will ensure that the proper individual is present, allowing the password reset to go through with as little hassle as possible while maintaining a high degree of security.
“We are convinced that this collaboration will mutually benefit companies and users alike,” said BioID CEO Ho Chang. “It enables a cost efficient and reliable password reset procedure with seamless user experience.”
BioID added liveness detection to its platform in early 2018, and has since teamed up with Pikcio to develop age verification tech. The alliance with TESIS further demonstrates how liveness detection has expanded BioID’s appeal and made facial recognition a safer option for companies looking for strong biometric authentication.
May 27, 2019 – by Eric Weiss
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