Another digital service is making use of Yoti’s secure identity verification technology. Student Nannies is a site that connects students looking for extra work to working parents looking for affordable childcare. The site allows the students to sign up for free and set their rates and availability, and allows busy parents to select a babysitter who fits their needs and budget.
Yoti, meanwhile, will verify the ID of every student nanny who makes a profile on the site. The identity check is accompanied by a background check and a reference interview with a parent or teacher to ensure that every student nanny is the person they claim to be.
The partnership with Yoti should give Student Nannies customers a much higher level of confidence when using the service. Trust is absolutely essential in any childcare arrangement, and that trust will be stronger when the nannies are verified through Yoti’s identity platform.
Yoti has previously provided identity verification services for the online hiring company RefNow, which contacts people’s employment references on behalf of a potential employer. Like Student Nannies, RefNow has integrated Yoti to increase the level of trust that its customers have during a business interaction.
Other Yoti clients include the dating sites DateID and The Meet Group, both of which are trying to make it easier to trust prospective romantic partners. The British government has also listed Yoti as an approved technology vendor for public organizations.
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