“The company has demonstrated its prowess in this area before, from the similarly named MorphoFace Investigate facial recognition solution for police to the Selfie-Check facial authentication system for mobile devices.”
Safran Identity & Security has unveiled MorphoFACE — a new facial biometrics solution for security applications at this year’s Passenger Terminal Expo.
The new solution is a face scanning unit shaped like a large tablet device with a supporting stand. At the Passenger Terminal Expo, Safran is highlighted the device’s applications in border checkpoints and airports, but it could be used to secure other sensitive areas, or even to authenticate individuals at financial institutions, for example.
In a statement announcing MorphoFACE, Safran said it uses “3D video analysis” and “anti-spoofing capabilities”, and generally asserted that it uses “state-of-the-art face recognition technologies”. The company has demonstrated its prowess in this area before, from the similarly named MorphoFace Investigate facial recognition solution for police to the Selfie-Check facial authentication system for mobile devices.
With border authorities around the world increasingly leveraging facial recognition to identify individuals at security checkpoints, Safran’s new solution faces an active market and could see some considerable demand.
March 14, 2017 – by Alex Perala
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