“…those who take advantage of the Biometric Ecosystem will be able to onboard customers with face biometrics, use facial recognition to enable selfie-based authentication, and apply facial recognition to CCTV surveillance feeds to scan for individuals on watch lists.”
Innovatrics is looking to boost demand for its biometric technologies with a new branding effort, announcing its new Biometric Ecosystem platform.
The platform leverages three key solutions already offered by Innovatrics: Its Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS), its Digital Onboarding Toolkit (DOT), and its Smartface facial recognition system. Under the Biometric Ecosystem banner, these tools have been bundled together with educational materials, web-based training courses, and consultation and support services, offering a comprehensive biometric system revolving around facial recognition.
In practical terms, that means that those who take advantage of the Biometric Ecosystem will be able to onboard customers with face biometrics, use facial recognition to enable selfie-based authentication, and apply facial recognition to CCTV surveillance feeds to scan for individuals on watch lists.
Explaining how the system came about in a statement, Innovatrics Business Development Director Peter Martis said it was a response to customer demand. “The technology was already there; it was a matter of connecting the dots, making our products essentially talk to each other to build a system which is so much more effective and powerful because each solution is smartly implemented together to maximize profitability and efficiency,” he elaborated.
While the system is build on pre-existing solutions, it may nevertheless make a compelling case to the market as interest in biometrics security grows, especially given the strong performance of Innovatrics’ face biometrics technology in testing at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
June 12, 2019 – by Alex Perala
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