“Green Bit fingerprinting technology continues to prove to the market that our technology is mature enough to be deployed and trusted.” -Nadia Reid, VP Sales and Business Development, Green Bit Americas
The results of the IARPA Nail-to-Nail (N2N) Fingerprint Challenge are in and Green Bit has won big. The Italy-based fingerprint livescan company achieved first place in two of the challenge categories: Latent Accuracy and Gallery Accuracy.
“With our IARPA challenge results, we have proven that our hardware and software technology which includes sophisticated algorithms can avoid operator obstruction,” said Sergio Rainero, COO, Green Bit.
IARPA initiated the N2N challenge in early 2017 in an attempt to produce an automated fingerprint capture technology that could eliminate the need for a human technician’s physical intervention while collecting rolled-quality fingerprint data (hence “Nail-to-Nail”). According to challenge rules, a human biometrics collector could be present for the scanning, but only to issue verbal instructions. Physical contact between the collector and the subject was prohibited.
Using its DactyScan40i scanning hardware and MultiScan SDK software, GreenBit came away from the challenge a winner in the aforementioned categories. According to NIST computer scientist Gregory Fiumara, who Green Bit says worked extensively with the data and outcomes of the challenge, the quality of fingerprints captured by the DactyScan40i was so high it was difficult to tell whether human assistance was offered or not.
“I am excited about the news of our winnings,” said Nadia Reid, VP Sales and Business Development, Green Bit Americas. “The live test confirmed the reliability of our traditional FTIR-based hardware scanner and advanced software algorithms. Green Bit fingerprinting technology continues to prove to the market that our technology is mature enough to be deployed and trusted.”
The dual N2N challenge wins reflect Green Bit’s focus on research and development. In the 2017 FindBiometrics Year in Review Expert Profile Series, Rainero placed a strong emphasis on his company’s R&D investments, which he said will lead to new product launches in 2018.
March 21, 2018 – by Peter B. Counter
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