“For Zwipe, the orders represent that next major step in the launch of its biometric smart cards after it first unveiled them at the recent Seamless Asia payments expo in Singapore.”
Zwipe has announced that it has received its first two orders for its new biometric payment card solution, and Fingerprint Cards has revealed that the devices to be shipped include FPC sensors.
The new clients have not yet been named, but were described by Zwipe as being an Asia-based customer and a global, top-tier card maker, respectively. The company has also indicated that it expects actual deployments of its biometric payment card technology in Europe and Asia in the latter half of this year.
For Zwipe, the orders represent that next major step in the launch of its biometric smart cards after it first unveiled them at the recent Seamless Asia payments expo in Singapore. For FPC, meanwhile, the orders represent an important component of a bigger plan to expand beyond the mobile market in which it has come to be a major player.
And for the biometric smart cards market, the orders are another sign of growing buzz and investments, with Mastercard, OT-Morpho, and IDEX also having recently announced successful trials of their own biometric smart card solution.
June 7, 2017 – by Alex Perala
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