Trusted and Contactless Products for the Future IoT
October 21, 2020
9AM (Pacific Time)
Amid the COVID-19 crisis, businesses intend to eliminate physical touchpoints by introducing contactless technology to consumers. Despite the notable benefits of contactless technology, consumer adoption may be low due to existing privacy concerns that have only magnified during the crisis. At Aerendir Mobile, we feel that Privacy and Civil Liberties can be compatible with the IT’s accelerating power, as long as the user is in control. For this reason, we created a Bring your Own Device (BYOD) solution that supports contactless functionality for a wide range of applications.
Keeping the technology in the hands of the user, Aerendir Mobile merges digital Certificates – a chain of Trust -, Biometrics and Intent – an act like accessing a facility or buying a ticket -, that allows for security (our protective framework) and safety (peace of mind and privacy).
Aerendir Mobile introduces its latest product, A-Cert. A-cert binds a dedicated Trust Certificate and key-pair with a person’s biometric signature rather than the individual’s identifying information, such as name, address, credit card number or social security number. A-Cert is nevertheless linked to an individual’s identity, but in a way that gives the option to protect the user’s identity or not.
The result is a private, trustable, linkable, fully encrypted and auditable digital identity. The primary use-case for A-Cert is access control, where it can replace the legacy RFID systems and/or CAC cards. A secondary use case includes Intent, such as buying goods and services in m-commerce, online payments, mobility and even health applications that can handle the routing of very private medical or medico-legal data.
Please join Aerendir Mobile’s webinar that will present for the first time the revolutionary A-Cert technology that will be followed by a live Q&A with the audience. Reach out to if you have any questions.
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