A contactless fingerprint scanning terminal has met the approval of the FBI. Called the ANDI OTG, the terminal was developed by Advanced Optical Systems, and has now found its way onto the federal agency’s Certified Product List.
It’s the first contactless fingerprint system to receive this certification, according to Advanced Optical Systems. Each ANDI OTG terminal can scan four fingerprints from a single individual as she passes by the device, and according to Advanced Optical Systems two terminals have been used to process eight-fingerprint scans of as many as 54 individuals per minute. In other words, it’s a fast system that can efficiently process many subjects without the need for physical contact.
In a statement announcing the certification, Advanced Optical Systems President Keith Farr said, “We’re just thrilled to be the first through the process,” and praised the efforts of the company’s “unbelievable collection of talented individuals” who worked on the new product.
There appears to be increasing excitement around contactless biometric scanning, with the National Institute of Standards and Technology having announced earlier this fall that it is developing technical standards for the technology. Given the market for fast and easy biometric screening in settings ranging from high-end luxury accommodations to airport security gates, the ANDI OTG could find a ready market.
December 2, 2015 – by Alex Perala
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