Acuant, a global provider of identity verification solutions, announced Friday it has enhanced its image capture and liveness detection technologies, that form the core of their key services Acuant AssureID and Acuant Face.
Their image capture services allow for the automatic recognition of the document type being presented, being able to distinguish between a driver’s license, passport, birth certificate or any other regional ID, and the geographic region in which that document was issued. The identification of these key factors can be done in less than five seconds, allowing for fast document identification and verification. Acuant AssureID is also able to solve some of the problems that are common with document identification, including cropping, blur, glare and poor resolution.
Their Acuant Face solution offers a liveness test that has been proven to thwart deepfakes to catch fraudsters, and depending on the case and level of risk involved offers three levels of liveness detection.
Acuant Face’s liveness detection has been certified by the NVLAP-accredited QA services company iBeta.
With cases of identity theft on the rise around the world, liveness detection is growing in popularity across the biometrics industry.
“Rising accounts of synthetic identity fraud have underscored the importance of being able to quickly verify customers, especially in a mobile-first world,” said Yossi Zekri, Acuant President and CEO. “Our partners rely on us to continuously evolve and keep up with new fraud challenges, such as image spoofing and deepfakes. We strive to deliver what we believe are the most all-encompassing, secure and seamless solutions on the market.”
Acuant was also recently recognized by Gartner in their Market Guide for Identity Proofing and Corroboration as a Representative Vendor for the second consecutive year.
November 4, 2019 – by Tony Bitzionis
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