“Now, hundreds of those palm scanners are going to be replaced with the Crossmatch L Scan 1000, which offers 1,000 ppi resolution.”
New Crossmatch livescan technology will be used to upgrade the biometric criminal booking systems used in the UK Home Office Forensic and Biometric Interim Capability, or ‘FABrIC’, program.
The upgrade will be undertaken by Northrop Grumman, which itself won the FABrIC upgrade contract, valued at £28.8 million, in the spring of 2015. Northrop Grumman had previously installed Crossmatch’s Livescan palmprint scanning technology in 2000, when the Home Office was initially upgrading from a fingerprint booking system based on ink and paper.
Now, hundreds of those palm scanners are going to be replaced with the Crossmatch L Scan 1000, which offers 1,000 ppi resolution. Commenting in a statement, Northrop Grumman Mission Systems Lead Executive Ian Menzies noted the success of the previously deployed Crossmatch technology, and said “the new scanners will provide the police agencies with an improved level of performance.”
Crossmatch says that more than “375 enrollment and capture stations” will be upgraded with the technology by December of this year.
May 18, 2017 – by Alex Perala
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