NuData is highlighting some success stories to show how its NuDetect platform is helping to protect its clients from digital fraud.
One client, a Fortune 200 company, was using NuDetect on its main eCommerce website, but hadn’t applied the technology to its loyalty program, which was being exploited by a criminal organization using an automated script. Once the client discovered the suspicious activity, it expanded NuDetect to that area of business, and saw an immediate drop in the attacks, with NuData estimating that the client saved almost $1.5 million.
Other success stories include a savings of close to a million dollars when NuDetect was used to mitigate an account takeover attack, and a 100 percent success rate in identifying eight million fraudulent new account creations with one client.
It all points to the utility of behavioral biometrics, the exciting new authentication technology based on assessments of patterns in online user behavior, in some cases including even how users interact with their devices, such as with patterns in typing and clicking. As the technology’s potential in security applications has become clear, interest has grown markedly, with financial services giant Mastercard recently having announced that it will acquire NuData, and Acuity Market Intelligence expecting behavioral biometrics to go mainstream this year.
It’s also the topic of FindBiometrics’ next major webinar, which will feature representatives from Acuity, NuData, and fellow behavioral biometrics specialist BioCatch in an in-depth panel discussion. The free webinar offers an excellent opportunity to get further acquainted with what is quickly becoming one of the most appealing digital security technologies on the market.
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