While FaceTec has been developing and refining its unique mobile facial recognition solution for quite some time, the timing of its ZoOm SDK’s launch this summer appears to have been propitious. The 3D face recognition solution arrived at a time of growing awareness of the need for liveness detection in biometric authentication, and brought said technology to market as an embedded component of its system. It also arrived just ahead of Apple’s announcement of its Face ID facial recognition system for the iPhone X, a solution that appears to have had a big impact on the entire mobile industry.
Accordingly, Face ID was a major topic in FindBiometrics President Peter O’Neill’s discussion with FaceTec Director of Business Development John Wojewidka at this week’s Money20/20 event in Las Vegas. Listen in as Wojewidka discusses how Apple’s announcement has impacted his business, as well as how ZoOm has improved over the past year, and why FIDO is so important.
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