“…the more sophisticated authentication mechanisms now seen in consumer devices, such as fingerprint and iris scanning, are making their way into the workplace.”
Gemalto has issued new findings indicating that more organizations are starting to take digital security more seriously.
The findings are part of Gemalto’s Authentication and Identity Management Index, and identify a trend of some concern: 90 percent of the IT professionals surveyed said they’re worried about employees’ reusing their personal credentials for logins at work. But a solution is emerging, with 62 percent agreeing that the more sophisticated authentication mechanisms now seen in consumer devices, such as fingerprint and iris scanning, are making their way into the workplace.
Also encouraging are the indications that 49 percent of the organizations surveyed reported devoting extra training to security, and 47 percent had increased their security spending. Significantly, 94 percent reported using two-factor authentication for at least one application. And while two-thirds of users are still authenticating primarily through usernames and passwords, 37 percent are now required to use 2FA when working on mobile devices.
Gemalto’s findings appear to reflect substantial trends, and point the way toward greater digital security at a time when it’s making the news on a daily basis.
(Originally posted on Mobile ID World)
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