Money20/20 has announced a high-profile addition to its lineup of keynote speakers: Sir Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin Group.

Branson’s participation comes by way of a partnership with artificial intelligence specialist Feedzai, whose CEO, Nuno Sebastiao, will interview Branson onstage. Their talk is entitled, “Nuno & Sir Richard: New Tech, New Banks, New Frontiers”.
It’s a fitting and timely partnership. Branson has styled himself as a maverick in the various areas in which his business operates, disrupting traditional business in airlines, hotels, and payments; likewise, increasingly sophisticated AI technology is delivering huge transformations across a range of industries, not least of which financial services.
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AI is also a core element of another game-changing class of FinTech that has emerged in a big way in recent years – biometrics. And once again FindBiometrics is delivering a high level of expertise to the discussion, with a panel session entitled, “AI & Biometrics Superheroes, Fighting Fraud Together”. The talk will feature NEC VP Raffie Beroukhim, FacePhi CEO Javier Mira, Sensory CEO Todd Mozer, and BioCatch Chief Strategy & Marketing Officer, Frances Zelazny, and will be moderated by FindBiometrics CEO Peter O’Neill.
The discussion is slated for October 21st at 1:50 pm, while the “Nuno & Sir Richard” interview will take place the next day, at 5:00 pm on October 22nd.
September 5, 2018 – by Alex Perala
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