The palm authentication specialist Redrock Biometrics has released a contactless time and attendance tracking solution designed specifically for the construction business. The platform has been dubbed LOGBOOK, and it leverages Redrock’s Palm ID technology to authenticate workers without forcing them to sign (and make contact) with a manual check-in sheet.

Palm ID uses a standard RGB or infrared camera to enable palm print and/or palm vein recognition. The solution is able to match palms at a variety of angles, and in adverse lighting and environmental conditions. LOGBOOK, meanwhile, generates an auditable record of access events, and gives managers more insight into their workforce.
Redrock is pitching LOGBOOK as a more convenient authentication option during COVID-19, noting that mask requirements have limited the utility of facial recognition during the pandemic. LOGBOOK will allow companies to provide a safer workplace, since employees will not need to remove their masks when they sign in.
“As workers start their day they can check in/out of the job site while wearing a mask, hardhat and safety glasses,” said Redrock Chief Business Officer Sergei Badeka. “The Safety Director has a reliable way of seeing who is on the job site, when they are on-site, and for how long they are on-site.”
Redrock offered free one-year Palm ID licenses to any businesses that were designated as essential services in the early days of the pandemic. The company’s technology has since been integrated into multiple biometric authentication platforms, including HYPR’s cloud authentication platform and the Proven Identity Management Platform from Q5id. Redrock has also released an iOS app to bring Palm ID to Apple devices. The Palm ID Agent enables passwordless authentication for various digital and web channels.
In December, MarketsandMarkets predicted that the market for palm vein recognition technology would climb from $416 million to $1.15 billion between 2020 and 2025.
January 8, 2021 – by Eric Weiss
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