Onfido is launching a new biometric authentication solution, supercharging its identity platform with sophisticated 3D face authentication and liveness detection technology from FaceTec.
Onfido’s new solution is being introduced as a component of its Real Identity Platform. Dubbed “Onfido Face Authenticate”, it’s aimed at offering clients a complement to its Onfido Verify solution for biometric onboarding. Compatible with smartphones, tablets, laptops and PCs, the solution prompts the end user to take a three-second selfie video, which is used as the basis for a 3D biometric template that can be used for sensitive transactions, remote access, account recovery, and other applications.
“Onfido Face Authenticate, in tandem with our verification product, provides a more robust identity lifecycle solution for businesses, ensuring the people accessing online accounts are the same legitimate people who were verified at registration, without compromising user experience or privacy,” explained Onfido Chief Product Officer Alex Valle.
The solution uses FaceTec’s 3D FaceMap technology to achieve a False Acceptance Rate of under 1/12.8 million, and a False Reject Rate under one percent. What’s more, it’s NIST/NVLAP PAD Level 1 and 2 certified, attesting to the technology’s ability to detect sophisticated ‘spoofing’ attacks in which legitimate biometric credentials are mimicked.
“Our 3D Face Authentication software has already proven liveness for over 180,000,000 unique users on six continents, and features the strongest Level 1-5 Presentation Attack, Deepfake Detection & Camera Bypass Detection available, with no observable bias and support for all modern smart-devices and webcams,” asserted FaceTec CEO Kevin Alan Tussy. “With the launch of Onfido Face Authenticate, now every month millions more users can access the most reliable and trusted face authentication AI.”
Onfido has launched its Face Authenticate solution alongside another component of its Real Identity Platform called “Onfido Private Key Encryption”, or “PKE”. The enterprise-focused security solution enables businesses to encrypt customer data with a dedicated Customer Master Key based on the highly-secure AES-256 standard. If the Master Key is revoked, all of the data to which it pertains becomes inaccessible.
May 25, 2021 – by Alex Perala
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