“…NEC said that it and its subsidiary NPS will showcase solutions including its ‘facial recognition system, automated fingerprint identification system (AFIS), CONNECT police platform, and video analytics solution’ at the event.”
NEC will showcase its solutions at the International Security Expo in London next week, the company has announced.
The event offers NEC the opportunity to take advantage of the geographic location of Northgate Public Services (NPS), the UK services firm that it acquired near the start of this year. More importantly, NPS’s strong focus on the British public sector should help to bring more attention to NEC’s smart city solutions for fighting crime and terrorism.
Accordingly, in a statement announcing its plans for International Security Expo 2018, NEC said that it and its subsidiary NPS will showcase solutions including its “facial recognition system, automated fingerprint identification system (AFIS), CONNECT police platform, and video analytics solution” at the event.
NEC will also participate in the event’s Biometric and Access Control Technology Workshop, in which its Global Biometrics, AI & Analytics VP, Chris de Silva, will deliver a talk entitled, “Face recognition; myths vs reality”. While NEC’s statement offered no details concerning the substance of de Silva’s talk, its title suggests that the company will seek to address some of the concerns that have arisen about publicly deployed facial recognition technologies as police and other government agencies have demonstrated a growing appetite for such solutions.
November 21, 2018 – by Alex Perala
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