Fingerprint Cards has announced two developments that bolster its position in the biometric and identity technology market.

For one, the company has signed its first-ever patent license agreement with an as-yet-to-be-named major global company to monetize Fingerprint Cards’ non-biometric intellectual property rights related to secure information aggregation. The partner in question possesses a vast patent portfolio of over 700 patents, and is actively pursuing licensing opportunities within and beyond the biometrics field.
As for its second major announcement, Fingerprint Cards revealed that it has partnered with Infrafon, a German startup specializing in biometric wearables. Their collaboration will focus on biometric smart badges for European medical and IoT markets.
“We are pleased to have established a strong partnership with Fingerprints, where we share an innovative vision on biometric physical and logical access control,” commented Infrafon founder Frieder Hansen. “Targeting the health care and large enterprise industries, will make this product a convenient and seamless authentication solution for end users.”
The Infrafon SmartBadge will use Fingerprint Cards’ sensors, software, and algorithms, ensuring robust biometric authentication. The partnership with Infrafon expands Fingerprint Cards’ reach into wearables, and places a spotlight on FPC technology’s suitability for diverse identity verification applications.
“Data breaches, phishing and other attacks on digital services are growing exponentially and we need to meet this challenge head on,” said Adam Philpott, CEO of Fingerprints. “By combining multi-factor authentication with Fingerprints easy to integrate secure biometric solution we can push the boundaries for user authentication together with Infrafon, with implementations in a smart badge and a whole range of IoT use cases.”
May 7, 2024 — by Tony Bitzionis
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