“IXM Titan terminals were installed and tested for four weeks, with workers enrolling both facial and fingerprint biometrics, and clocking in and out every morning and evening.”

Having offered proof of the power of its IXM Titan biometric terminal in a video published near the start of this year, Invixium is celebrating its success and offering a look behind the scenes.
The video showed the face-scanning terminal deployed at a construction site in pretty rough shape, and vividly illustrated how quickly the terminal could identify workers for time and attendance tracking – even in low light, or with water or rubble falling onto the station. The images spoke for themselves, so Invixium didn’t dwell on the details at the time of the video’s publication; but now, in a new post on its website, Invixium is offering some details about how it came together.
It’s a real construction site, first of all, in “an Indian metro city,” according to the post. IXM Titan terminals were installed and tested for four weeks, with workers enrolling both facial and fingerprint biometrics, and clocking in and out every morning and evening. “The building management was fascinated by the simplicity of the solution and could already see the ROI over the long term,” Invixium says.
The company estimates that an Indian firm with a staff of 500 could see about $61,500 in cost savings over the course of a year thanks to its biometric time and attendance solution. In North America, that would translate to a savings of $178,500 for an organization of the same size.
And Invixium says that clients are already recognizing this ROI potential, asserting that since it published the IXM Titan video in January, demand for the solution “has skyrocketed!”
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