Aware is highlighting the utility of its Knomi platform for organizations that are trying to reopen in the wake of COVID-19. The company stressed that Knomi is a contactless biometrics platform, which means that there is less risk of contagion for people using the system.

In that regard, Aware contrasted Knomi with a more traditional access control or check-in system, which would force multiple users to interact with a shared touchscreen or kiosks. Knomi, on the other hand, registers and identifies users with face or voice recognition. Those technologies take less time than a manual entry form, which reduces congestion at points of entry and makes it easier to enforce social distancing requirements.
Knomi itself can function on a mobile device, or be deployed as a server- or browser-based solution. Aware advocated for its use in a number of different sectors, including office buildings and public-facing businesses like restaurants and arenas. In the case of the former, the technology can help with access control, insofar as it can use facial recognition to identify registered employees when they arrive at work. By the same token, the system can onboard new users quickly, making it a convenient option for large-scale guest and visitor management.
The Knomi platform offers passive liveness detection to guard against spoofing, and can identify users with voice recognition. Aware has argued that the solution has additional applications in transportation, where it can speed up processing procedures at international borders.
“The demand for touchless authentication solutions has never been higher, and we’re proud to have a trusted solution in Knomi that meets this demand immediately,” said aware President and CEO Bob Eckel. “Knomi’s face and voice authentication solution replaces fraud-prone passwords. It is also an ideal solution for touchless workflows, providing our customers and users with some much-needed peace of mind after COVID.”
Knomi was recognized with an IT Cybersecurity Excellence Award back in February. The technology has since been integrated into Imprivata’s electronic prescription system.
August 18, 2021 – by Eric Weiss
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