The Xpeng P7 will officially become the first car to feature the Alibaba In-Car Mini APP platform when the new electric vehicle hits the market in the spring of 2020. Xpeng Motors carried out the integration in collaboration with AliOS, giving drivers access to smart car features like navigation, traffic updates, and driver monitoring.
The In-Car Mini APP platform offers speech recognition and AI-driven computer vision. It will also be open to third party developers, which will allow Xpeng to round out the car’s lifestyle and entertainment offerings as those developers create new mobile applications.
In addition to the In-Car Mini APP, the P7 will be the first mass-produced car that meets the digital car key authentication standards laid out by China’s Internet Finance Authentication Alliance (IFAA). The P7’s biometric key will allow owners to unlock their vehicle with face or fingerprint recognition, or share virtual keys with trusted friends and family members with Bluetooth technology.
“The new standards bring advanced authentication technology used in the finance industry on board connected vehicles,” said Xpeng Motors President Ji Yu. The Chinese car manufacturer had a hand in crafting the new standards as a Co-Chair of the IFAA’s Technical Standard Focus Group.
AliOS previously partnered with NXP in an effort to improve its IoT capabilities, an arrangement that has a particular focus on smart car technology.
(Originally posted on Mobile ID World)
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